Cross Country Cycling, How To See More Of A Country and Why You Should Commute by Bicycle

Cross-country cycling is a kind of mountain bike riding that includes riding a selection of trails over easy to difficult terrain.. A rider should be in good physical shape to take part in cross-country cycling, as it is not for the faint-hearted, as a ride can last anywhere from one hour to all day or even longer.

Cross-country racing incorporates cross-country cycling with the element of competition, and different types of races to test the rider’s skills, fitness, and determination.The kind of bicycle a cross-country rider will ride is specially designed to take on difficult terrain while still maintaining an aggressive riding position and with light weight. Because a cyclist will be doing an amount of climbing while cross-country cycling, using a light bike is crucial so that the rider does not have too much extra weight to haul uphill.

Bicycling popularity has soared over the past couple of decades

In fact, over the past two decades, more and more people are going back to two wheel travel all over the continent of Europe and in the UK and Ireland. Some countries such as Holland, have had bicycle friendly roads for near on half a century, as anybody who has been there during that time will attest to. Cycle holidays have these days become very popular as people want to have a holiday away from where all the tourists are and really see somewhere up and close and personal.

Riding a bicycle is really efficient and a great way to escape from our over scheduled lives. Getting away from TV and computer screens is also very nice in getting back to how things were in the good old days. Yes, you may even want to leave that mobile phone behind also, to get that vintage feeling of how people actually existed not that long ago – and they did very happily!


Cycling canalso be a great workout that fits in relatively easily because it simply replaces a morning and afternoon commute. Just riding to your place of work – even just 2-3 times a week — will not only burn calories, but it also sets how you will feel for the day.

Evidence has been amounting for quite some time now that indicates that sitting in vehicles in traffic has a negative effect on our health, and those people who can bike it, really should. Understandably, that will not be possible for everyone as not everyone lives within cycling range of where they happen to be employed and some good people have children to take to school and pick up, but there arestill a good percentage of people who have this wonderful easy option; they should just give it a try. If you do, you’ll be absolutely amazed at how efficient it is!

Remember when you had that first bicycle as a child? Get ready to feel the same way again!